How to activate frame line of dimension headers in cross tab report tables

Sebastian Vogt shared this question 7 years ago

Dear YF Support Team,

a couple of our end users have recently requested the possibility to extend the frame line of dimension headers when using cross tab report tables (marked in red in the following screenshot):


However, I am not able to activate / configure the frame line below the dimension field header. I have attached a Ski team test report (YF 7.3).

Are you able to show me a way in YF to activate this line?

Background: The affected end users would like to create a print ready report and the additional frame line would help the reader of such a printed report to structure the table and differentiate the dimension header from the dimension content.

Thank you very much for your support!

Kind regards


Replies (10)


Hi Sebastian,

This should be configurable through CSS, by adding underlines to the column headers. Unfortunately this will be a global setting and will effect all reports cross-tab or not. Is this okay?

If not we will need to raise this as an idea.




Hi Nathan,

thank you very much for your feedback. I would like to try the CSS solution. Could you provide me with the correct code for the custom css folder? I will test it and give you a feedback whether it is working or not. I assume that it will not look good in the other - non-cross-tab reports - but I will nevertheless try it.

Kind regards



Hi Sebastian,

I was able to add underlines by adding a border-bottom tag to the rpthdrcol, in the reportoutput.css (this will be the first line). You will need to make a copy of this file and place it into the customcss folder.

td.rpthdrcol {
position: relative;
border-bottom: 5px solid red;


Let me know if it sounds like this will work for you.



Hi Nathan,

thank you very much for the css. I was able to implement the additional line to the reportoutput.css file and it looks now as intentended. Against this background, I have two further questions:

(1) Could you please provide me with the correct css code to also change the color of the grey border bottom dimension headings (see screenshot below)?


(2) I have only included the new css lines in the modified reportoutput.css within the customcss folder (see attachment) in order to be transparent about the changes for future version migrations. Do you see any issues here? Is it really necessary to completely copy the whole reportoutput.css?

td.rpthdrcol {
   position: relative;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #00a9e0;

Thank you very much for your support!

Kind regards



Hi Sebastian,

I actually just discovered that it is possible to set CSS for specific reports! The best way to figure out what class you will need to adjust is to right click the element you are looking to change and click "inspect". In my report I right clicked the section you are looking for and was shown:


Using this I was able to adjust these specific elements by including:

   border-bottom: 5px solid red;
   border-bottom: 5px solid red;
Since 73552 is the report id of this specific report, only this report will be affected. Unfortunately in this case, the changes to the specific cross-tab columns will need to be specific to this report and cannot be adjusted globally.

Regarding your second query, no I do not think this should be a problem, but since the original css file is still available, correcting any issues that arise should be pretty simple.




Hi Nathan,

thank you for your quick feedback. Adjusting the css per report is not a good strategy for our YF instance since we are looking for a global setting. While the current solution is a good workaround even with the grey bottom border I wonder whether it might be a good idea to create a small enhancement request / idea for inclusion in a future YF release:

(1) To include the feature to change the border of the header column (td.rpthdrcol in reportoutput.css) via the YF frontend.

(2) To include the feature to change the border of the dimension header column (td.rpt######hdr.rpthdrcol) via the YF frontend (global for all reports not for inidividual reports).

Do you think this might be a good idea? Or is the direct css adjustment the prefered way to do these things?

Thank you very much for your helpful support!

Kind regards



Hi Nathan,

we have now tested the CSS solution a couple of days and unfortunately we have discovered that the CSS change has no effect on the PDF export. When exporting the reports into PDF the CSS border of the header column is ignored and not displayed in the PDF document.

Since the PDF export ("print ready report") was the core of the whole request I assume we have to use the other option you mentioned earlier by creating an enhancement request.

Thus, could you please create the enhancement request as described in my last comment above and provide me with the respective ID?

(1) To include the feature to change the border of the header column (td.rpthdrcol in reportoutput.css) via the YF frontend and display this in the PDF export.

(2) To include the feature to change the border of the dimension header column (td.rpt######hdr.rpthdrcol) via the YF frontend (global for all reports not for inidividual reports) and display this in the PDF export.

Thank you so much for your support!

Kind regards



Hi Sebastian,

Ah, it does make sense that the export could be pulling the CSS from elsewhere. I will dig a bit into this and see if I can figure out a work around.

The settings you describe should not be terribly hard to implement (though the report specific cross-tab dimension header may be a bit harder) so I have no problem in raising these as an enhancement

Enhancement #9447:




Hi Nathan,

thank you for creating the enhancement request #9447. It would of course be great if you could also figure out a workaround for the PDF export of the report.

Thank you & kind regards



Hi Sebastian,

Unfortunately I am having a bit of trouble with the PDF export part of this.

I am going to close this for now, but I will continue to explore this over the next couple weeks, and let you know if I have any luck.


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