How can I increase the column length of Localtimezonecode column in person table

Bharath Kumar shared this question 6 years ago

Hi Team,

We have a automated way of user creation in YF with a utility, but the localtimezone value is greater than the column length, So user creation is failing with the below error:

ERROR (PersonManager:insertPerson) - SQL Stmt:


IpPerson, SalutationCode, FirstName, MiddleInitial,

LastName, FullName, PreferredName, Soundex, Gender,

DateOfBirth, ExposureLevelCode, PrivacyLevelCode,

PreferredContactMethodCode, PrivateKeyId, PrivateURL,

PreferredLanguageCode, ResumeLastUpdate, LocalTimeZoneCode,

ResumeLastCrunch, ResumeWorkStartDate, ProfileLastUpdate, Status)

VALUES (113175,null,N'Allen',null,N'Rondolo',N'Allen Rondolo',N'Allen',N'RNTL ALN',null,null,N'PRIVATE',N'4',N'EMAIL',null,null,N'en',null,N'(GMT+1:00) BRATISLAVA, BUDAPEST, LJUBLJANA, PRAGUE, WARSAW',null,null,null,N'ACTIVE')

BMC:SR:2019-01-23 07:53:26:ERROR (MIAdminProcess:createUser) - Error: java.lang.Exception: DBAction.doInsert() exception: String or binary data would be truncated.

Failing while trying to insert the timezone value: (GMT+1:00) BRATISLAVA, BUDAPEST, LJUBLJANA, PRAGUE, WARSAW', I have tried to increase the length, but it is not allowing me to save " Saving is not permitted". This might also impact the during the upgrade.

Could you please suggest a way to increase the column width.


Replies (3)


Hi Bharath,

I would like to know why you want to put those 5 different cities for the one timezone, the important thing is to have GMT+1:00 and then you can have any 1 city to go with that, for example:

N'(GMT+1:00) WARSAW'

For example, I am in Melbourne which is GMT+11:00, but in Yellowfin my timezone is Sydney GMT+11:00, but it doesn't matter just so long as my time is 11 hours ahead of GMT.




Hi Dave,

Yes, the problem is the timezone is coming from our remedy application and it is trying to insert into the person table. So for the users with time zone'(GMT+1:00) BRATISLAVA, BUDAPEST, LJUBLJANA, PRAGUE, WARSAW is having an issue.

Dropping and recreating the table would delete the sys admin user, so I dont want to go with that option.




Hi Bharath,

Unfortunately what you're facing is not something Yellowfin will be able to assist you with, as it relates to modifying our repository database, and don't believe that a person should be able to have 5 different timezone set. After all, a person can't live in 5 cities at once ;)



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