GIS Google Map

Jasper Dan Estareja shared this question 3 years ago

Hi Support,

I was creating a GIS Google Map report for a new client, and I used a Google API key from our Yellowfin demo instance. Would that be a conflict if I used the same key on more than one Yellowfin instance? Or would they just combine the total number of map loads?

Also, what would happen if we maxed out the free $200 worth of map loads? Would the report stop working or it will just display the "For development purposes only" on the map?



Replies (3)


Hi Jasper,

I hope all is well and huge apologies for the delay in responding... Going forward with this please see answers to your questions below;

1- I was creating a GIS Google Map report for a new client, and I used a Google API key from our Yellowfin demo instance. Would that be a conflict if I used the same key on more than one Yellowfin instance? Or would they just combine the total number of map loads? You can use the same API Key for multiple Instances.

2- Also, what would happen if we maxed out the free $200 worth of map loads? Would the report stop working or it will just display the "For development purposes only" on the map? If you exceed the $200, you will see a "For development purposes only" watermark. More information here.

I hope this helps Jasper.




Hi Mark,

Thank you so much for this.

I'll relay this information to my managers.


JASPER Estareja


Hi Jasper,

No problem, pleased I could assist. Have a great day/evening.



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