Finding a view's field description in the repository

Bryan Mack shared this question 2 years ago

Looking to find where the following data is stored in the yellowfin repository:


Replies (3)


Hello Bryan,

The Description field in the Field Settings can be found in the LongDescription field of the Yellowfin repository.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,



What table in the repository does this field live in?


Hi Bryan,

Here is the complete SQL query from updating the Description. I was able to get this by turning on Debug logging, making the change, and then reviewing the logs.

"YF:2022-06-15 15:19:27.171:DEBUG (ReportFieldTemplateManager) - [57] [B90BEC6D] [/MIViewFieldsAjax.i4] ReportFieldTemplate UPDATE SQL:

UPDATE ReportFieldTemplate

SET ViewId = 106331, ColumnName = 'AGENCYTYPE', GroupCode = 'AGENCY', ShortDescription = 'Agency Type', LongDescription = 'Test', SortOrder = 0, FieldTypeCode = 'DIMENSION', DataTypeCode = 'VARCHAR', RefTypeCode = NULL, RefRltshpTypeCode = NULL, FormatCode = '', ValidationFunctionName = NULL, ReportSymbol = NULL, SQLClause = NULL, HierarchyLevel = 1, AssociatedReportId = NULL, StatusCode = 'OPEN', AccessFilterCode = '', DecimalCount = NULL, DisplayPermitted = true, CalculationPermitted = true, GroupingPermitted = true, SortPermitted = true, AccessCode = 'GLOBAL', DefaultGroupFunctionCode = NULL, SubViewId = 106332, ModifiedDate = NULL, CustomDataType = 'com.hof.mi.custom.format.TextFormatter', TrendCode = NULL, ConvertedDataType = 'TEXT', ChildFieldTemplateId = 106494, SubViewFieldTemplateId = 106333, OriginalFieldTemplateId = NULL, AssociatedFieldId = NULL, DrillAnywherePermitted = true, RestrictBySourceFilter = false, FieldColour = NULL, FilterTextSuggestions = false, FieldUUID = 'cb3309f6-7a9e-49a5-ad23-a273201e83e0', GeoPackFieldRelationshipUUID = NULL, Indexed = NULL, FilterValueCase = NULL, DimensionTypeCode = 'DIMENSION', AutoGroupEnabled = false, ReverseAccessfilterLogic = false, AutoDiscoveryFieldIncluded = false, AutoDiscoveryFieldSentiment = NULL, AutoDiscoveryKeyVariable = NULL, AutoDiscoveryAdditiveField = NULL, AutoDiscoveryDimensionPlural = 'Agency Types', FieldRelationshipUUID = NULL, FieldRelationshipType = NULL, NLQFieldIncluded = true, NLQSuggestedQuestion = NULL, NLQLoadFilterValues = true

WHERE FieldTemplateId = 106419"

I hope that helps.

Please let me know if there is any more information I can get you.

Have a great day,


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