Favorites and remember user selection

Matt Millen shared this question 5 years ago


I have a couple of questions for how starred reports and remember user selection settings on the filters are designed to work.

First on favorites - my understanding was that this essentially bookmarks the report making it easier to find, it doesn't "save" the report with preset filter values. I.e. if there is no default value set on filter X and "remember user selection" is off, setting filter X value to 1 and starring the report would not mean that the report is "saved" with that filter setting. Is that correct?

For the "remember user selection" filter option, how long does this persist? If the user logs out does it wipe the cache and return filter values to defaults?



Replies (4)


Hi Matt,

Thanks for reaching out. Using the Favorite option on a report is the same as going Browse, scrolling through or searching for a report, then opening selected report. It's essentially just a shortcut to get you browsed to the point where you'd be opening the report, so that you can do so more quickly.

The Remember Filter Values option is will remember filter values previously applied to the report and load on next viewing, so if this option is chosen, reports should not return to defaults unless the most recently applied filter values were the default values.

Hopefully this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions on this.Regards,



Hi Matt,

I just wanted to check in and see if this info found you okay.




This clears it up, thanks Mike


Hi Matt,

You're welcome! This considered, I'll go ahead and mark this case as Answered.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.

Regards, Mike

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