Export Reports/Dashboards without including Data Source

anqi shared this question 21 months ago

Hi there,

Our team is using Client Organizations and Data Source Substitution to be able to view Parent Account reports on different Data Sources. An issue is coming up when the team is trying to share reports to be re-used on other clients - the Export file seems to include the Data Source object (which seems to work and allow anyone with the Export file to read from the database). Is there any way to exclude the Data Source when exporting? This is a huge data security concern and bottleneck in being able to share work across teams.


Replies (5)


Hi Kevin,

I'll take a look into this and see if there's a workaround. If not, I can raise it as a security concern. Just for clarification, are you saying the export file also contains all the data source connection details like an encrypted password?

Kind regards,



Hi Kevin,

I've recently seen that this is an existing enhancement. I'll see if I can flag this up with the developer team to bring more attention to it.

Kind regards,



Thanks Chris, sorry for the delay in response.

That's great to hear, would it be possible to get linked to this other ticket so I can check if it's the same situation?

To help clarify, what I mean is that when exporting any report that uses a View, or exporting a View, the Data Source is one of the pieces of linked content, which then means the person importing will also be able to import and reuse the same Data Source. We want some way to be able to export the View object but force each user to use their own Data Source which they have access to.


Hi Kevin,

Here's the other ticket https://community.yellowfinbi.com/agent/object/10172

Let me know if there's anything else.

Kind regards,



Hi Kevin,

I hope things are going well over there.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.



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