Export Report Output as Google Sheet or Google Doc

Pratap Singh shared this question 23 months ago


Checking for a possibility to export reports directly as Google Sheet or Google Doc.

Thanks & Regards


Replies (1)


Hello Pratap,

I believe to do that there would need to be a Google account associate with the Yellowfin user and have a cookie embedded in Yellowfin to identify the user. There isn't really a Google Sheets or Docs file extension, not as such. There are .Gsheet files, but they are essentially hyperlinks. I can definitely create an enhancement request for this, but I doubt it will be simple, if the product team decides to do it at all.

I wish I could tell you that it's something we will consider for future releases, though at this point in time there are no such plans.

Pretty sure Microsoft Office don't even allow you to export to google .

Sorry for the bad news. Your best bet is to export as CSV or XLXS and then import into Google.



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