Drop fields on arrow icons to insert them at the end

Jess Bugarin shared this question 5 years ago

I find adding fields to a new report to be very fussy once I've filled up the visual space in the "Columns" or "Rows" field. Every time I add another field after that, I have to click the arrow button to adjust the view so that I can drop the next field at the end.

I'd like to be able to drop the next field onto the arrow button itself and have it added at the end. Right now it's adding it to the right of the last visible field.

Replies (2)


Hello Jess,

Thanks for submitting your idea. Please have a look at this existing idea post. It looks like it is addressing the very issue you are facing. Feel free to follow that post and add you comments as to how you might like to see it altered or changed.

Let me know if I have misunderstood your suggestion, otherwise I will go ahead and mark this answered and further tracking can be done via the idea post.




Hi Jess,

Hope you're having a good week.

Haven't heard back from you if you have any further questions feel free to reach out. If I don't hear back from you I'll go ahead close this out.




Hi, this would go a long way toward addressing my concern although not completely. I want to be able to drop new fields into the far right of the row/column fields without having to use the arrows to navigate to the end over and over again. I don't necessarily want to run the report first and do this in the viewer.

I think the two ideas are addressing similar interface challenges but not exactly the same. It's possible they could be combined down into one "improve dragging in new fields, as well as arranging them" idea. Mine's dragging in new, the other idea is rearranging existing.


Hello Jess,

Thanks for getting back to me. What I will do is make a comment on the post specifically requesting the functionality you are looking for to be included with the Idea.

I believe keeping these two Ideas in the same singular Idea post will bring the most amount of visibility then if they were in their own, separate posts.




Ok, that sounds good I think. Thank you.


Hello Jess,

Everything sounds great here, I'll go ahead and mark this as answered, and you can monitor the idea post for further updates.



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