Displaying Totals or Summaries Only

Tanya Mitchell shared this question 5 years ago


How do I have a report showing only the totals/summary in the report and not all the data details within the totals? I only want to see a snapshot of the totals I have created. Thank you

Replies (9)


Hi Tanya,

Thanks for reaching us.

You can get the Total of the column


If this is not what you mean, please send me some screenshots and explain me what are you expecting.

Also please send me the info.jsp page of your Yellowfin, you can get this by typing in the <Yellowfin URL>/info.jsp, save that web page as a HTML page and then upload the email on reply.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



System Properties Application Version: 7.4.9 java.version: 1.7.0_231 os.name: Linux os.arch: amd64 os.version: 4.14.143-91.122.amzn1.x86_64 Available Processors: 4 Memory in Use: 1.3 GB JVM current total memory: 1.9 GB Free memory: 605.7 MB JVM max memory: 3.6 GB Application Server: Apache Tomcat/7.0.68 Servlet API Version: 3.0 JSP API Version: 2.2 Application Details Current Schema Version: 20190301 Original Code Version: 20160701 Current Code Version: 20190301 Import Version: 4.49 Build Type: FULLVERSION Current Session Timeout: -60 seconds Application Server Boot Time: October 1, 2019 4:54:28 AM UTC Current Server Time: October 2, 2019 12:08:10 AM UTC (UTC +0000) Request Listener: Initialised Request Count: 1 Configuration Database: MySQL 5.6.10 Encryption Functions: Ok BIRT Report Engine: Not available Task Schedule Enabled: true System Task Manager Enabled: true Webservices Enabled: true Locale Information

JVM Locale: en_US (en) Request Locale: en_US (en) RefCode languages: EN_US, EN Browser interface language: en-US


Thank, I understand how to get totals, but how do I display my report so all I see are the totals of each? I dont want to see all the detailed data, just want to see the totals.


Hi Tanya,

Thanks for your reply.

Can you please send me the INFO.JSP file please as requested in my earlier email?

The reason for asking info.jsp is to get information about the license and help you accordingly with priority and organise a Training as needed to meet your reporting requirements in a timely fashion.


If that is not what you are looking for then the Display of the information with depending on the columns you have on the Report. For example:


If I have only Metric columns, then I can see only the summary values.

I believe you need the Dimension and the Metric column, if you have different Dimension values then it is not possible to display just the Summary of Metrics.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Tanya,

Hope you are doing well.

Can you please let me know if you have any questions on this ticket?

Kind Regards,



Hi Tanya,

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hi Tanya,

Sorry to bug you again, was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hi David,

Thank you for following up.

1) How do I find out the INFO.JSP? I use the yellowfin imbedded inside another software (Agiliron).

2) I have determined how to show totals at the top of the report using 'sections' and displaying 'section totals'

3) Can you explain further how this functions? Im confused by what you are saying. I would like to see these summary totals at the top but cant figure out how to do that. they always show at the bottom of the report.

If that is not what you are looking for then the Display of the information with depending on the columns you have on the Report. For example:


If I have only Metric columns, then I can see only the summary values.

I believe you need the Dimension and the Metric column, if you have different Dimension values then it is not possible to display just the Summary of Metrics.


Hi Tanya,

I am not 100% sure how Agiliron have implemented the system but there are generally two ways to gather the required information:

  1. Whatever website you visit to log into the system, add /info.jsp after it (e.g. my.agiliron.net/info.jsp). If this shows up, please save the page (as either a HTML or PDF file) and send that through.
  2. Log into the system, visit the Administration section and look for a link to System Information (this may be visible in the Administration menu or via the Admin Console. If you reach the System Information page, there is a button to Export the information. Save this file and send it through to us.

To try to explain the statement you reference in your third question, what was being said is that if you only have numeric values in your columns then you can format the individual columns to be a SUM aggregation, which will then only show one row which contains the total of each column. If however you also have Dates or Text fields in your table, you will not be able to just have one row with the totals.

I want to state my understanding of your requirements so that we can be on the same page. From what I see here, you have some data that looks something like the image below and initially wanted to be able to show the totals at the top (as noted by the arrow)?


Is that correct? If not, would you be able to provide a screen shot of what you have and use that to explain further?




Yes you are correct, those totals at the bottom to be at the top.


Hi Tanya,

Thank you for coming back to me. Unfortunately there is not a way to place this at the top. There are a couple of options for adding a separate total above the table, but not a way to promote the summary to the top of the table. The options we have are:

1. Report Summary as previously demonstrated by Mahesh


2. Creating a co-display report with the main report being just the summary and the co-display report being the rest of the data:


3. Adding a text widget above the report:


Please let me know which of these options you would like some instruction on and I will be happy to help.




I would love to know how to use the co-display report option(#2) please.


Sorry for the delays Tanya, we will get back to you on this. Neal has taken a few days off, and aiming to be back tomorrow. So you will get a response on this, later this week. Thanks!

I can however link to the co-display option in the meantime.




Hi Tanya,

Sorry I took so long to get back to you. As David has linked through to the co-display article, I'll just explain how I created the demo image I sent through previously. I started by creating the full report I wanted to display and published that (let's say it's called Full-Report). I then copied this report and named it Summary Report. I opened Summary Report to the edit Data screen and used the SUM Aggregator on all fields so that I only had the single row with the total. I then chose Co-Display from the Analysis Style section. Then I navigated to Related Content and dragged Full-Report into the Co-Display Bottom section. I then navigated to the Design tab and selected the Co-Display Formatting link on the top (as shown below) and turned off the Show Title and Show Description options.

Please let me know if the above doesn't make sense or if there is anything else I can assist with on this report.





Hi Tanya,

How's your week been?

Just wanted to touch base to see if you have had any luck with tracking down the system information and if you could clarify what you are looking for so I can work to get this resolved for you.



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