Displaying 0 instead of No Results

Trey Grimes shared this question 20 months ago

I have several Dashboards for different employees (Front Desk, Clinical, Admin, etc.), and each report is keyed to an access filter to only display a count of records that need to be corrected. The problem I'm running into is that when there are no results for a particular report, the report in the Dashboard is displaying a blank window with "No results returned". Is there a way to display a "0" instead so that I can keep a uniform display between different reports on the dashboard?

Replies (8)


Hello Trey,

Thank you for reaching out to Yellowfin support with your question

We examined your problem, looked into it, and discovered that it's a default setting of Yellowfin

We cannot alter it.

No results are returned by default, and there is no way to modify that sadly.

I hope I answered your question.



Yamini Naidu


Hey Trey,

If I'm understanding the problem, you really just need to ensure you always return at least one row. It'd take a while for me to explain how to do this with reports and the dashboard, but you could try this general concept unless I'm misunderstanding. If you used a append query (or in a report, it would be a union subquery), where the first part of your query was the actual result set, but the 2nd part of the union (or the append subquery) returned a result if the first query did not, you would alway shave at least one row returned. Take a look at the following construct in T-SQL. Maybe something like this would work for you where your append was just a series of calculated columns:

declare @NameCheck varchar(50)='adams'

select sum(cnt)
from (	--first part of the union is the actual query you want. Just using "name check" as an example of some condition
		select nullif(count(*),0) as cnt
		from employees
		where lastname=@NameCheck
		--second part of the union only returns a result if the return value of the first part of the union is 0, this guarantees you always have a return
		select case when (select count(*) from employees where lastname=@NameCheck)=0 then 0 else null end
	 ) a



Thank you Craig Dubin for stepping in here and sharing your insights with regards to this issue.

@Trey Grimes - Just want to touch base with you to see if you had a chance to go through the response given by Craig? Please keep us posted with the further updates. I am hoping the suggestions given should work for you. Let us know!


Yamini Naidu


Hello Trey,

Hope you are doing well.

I just want to touch base to see if you had chance to read through the response. If you can let me know that would be great. Thank you!


Yamini Naidu


Hello Trey,

Hope you are doing well.

As there is no revert back from you and because of age and inactivity I am going to go ahead and mark this ticket as closed for now. If you wish to re-open and discuss further I will be more than happy to do so.


Yamini Naidu


Hey, Is their any chance this could be a setting available in an upcoming release. Yes, I can make all of our reports have appends and return a row so the SUM can return 0 but that is a lot of complexity and edits to a ton of reports to make it happen. Can charts just have a "No rows returned" default that can be edited?


Enrico Patarini


Actually I found a workaround:

we are loading the dashboards on our own site so I put in this CSS:

div.errorContainerDash div.largeGreyErrorText{





display: block;




This makes the error display as a zero on a dashboard report.




Hello Enrico,

I am glad to hear that the issue was resolved. If you have any other issue please contact us again by opening up a new ticket and we will provide additional support.

Thank you!

Yamini Naidu

Yellowfin Technical Support

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