Days Hours Minutes Seconds format not flowing through to Chart

Joshua Baron shared this question 5 years ago

I have created a calculated field using the Pre-Defined Formula type and function "Time difference (seconds), SQL Server


It calculates the average time correctly and displays it in the desired hh:mm:ss


But on the chart, it shows the value in seconds (i.e. as a number) instead of the hh:mm:ss that I am expecting.


Replies (5)


Hi Joshua,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, at this time this is the expected way for this to display at the Chart level. That said, we do have an existing enhancement request, which you can vote for, and subsequently reference, here for potential future updates that would cover this request. I've also added you to the client list of those looking to see enhancement implemented in our internal task. Despite the latest update in the Idea, this is currently being looked at by the dev team according to an update last week, and will likely make it into our 8.1.1 and 7.4.12 builds, i.e., the build after the next build.

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this. If not, considering there's a pre-existing Idea for this, please continue to follow this in the above linked Idea item and I'll go ahead and close this case out.




Thanks, Mike! I will try to find a workaround and appreciate you keeping me informed on the progress.


Hi Joshua,

You're welcome! As previously stated, I'll close this case out now then, but please follow previously linked ticket for updates.

Regards, Mike



We are doing a POC with a client for whom this is a very important requirement.

Will this be possible in V9?




Hi Edgar,

The current target version for this is 9.1, meaning as of this time, this is not part of the upcoming version 9. 9.1 will not be published until at least March 2020. I will provide updates in the Idea ticket I linked in a previous response as they come along, so please follow that Idea item for any future updates.



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