Date Control in Yellowfin 7.3

Jhansi Kommineni shared this question 7 years ago


Recently we migrated our development environment from 7.1 to 7.3. We are facing some issues with Date Control. Can you please look into below 2 issues with Date Control.

1. We had Date filter, Condition is Between.

We selected the "Date From" and "Date to" as for ex: From date as 01/01/2017 and To date as 30/05/2017.Now say that the user need to change either from/ to date and when he tries to click 01/02/2017 either in from calendar or to calendar , both the from and to date sets to 01/02/2017.

and even when keep the cursor at From Date and selecting the date. In both the places date has been changing. How to preserve the "To Date" as earlier.

2. Date fields - when setting the date to blank in date control and hit on apply,the date field is set to blank but "Inputs are invalid" error message is displayed.User has to click outside for date control to minimize.

System InformationApplication Version:7.3Build:20170420Java Version:1.7.0_80Operating System:Linux 2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64 (amd64)



Replies (1)


Hi Jhansi,

Thanks for getting in touch about this. Hopefully you're enjoying 7.3 so far! We did indeed make some changes to the date-picker in post-7.1 releases. I believe that what you have come across is indeed expected behavior for the updated date control module. While the new picker is definitely a change from the old one, the feedback that we've received on it has been largely positive. It may take a couple of additional clicks to input some values, but I think that the new date control is faster on the whole to use.

Please let me know if you have any further questions here!



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