CSV File - Date Format

Gokul Devunuri shared this question 5 years ago

Hello YF Community,

I'm trying to import data using CSV File. I know the accepted date format has to be yyyy/MM/dd.

The problem is I'm not able to save the date format as yyyy/MM/dd in CSV. I have tried to keep yyyy/MM/dd format and save the csv but next time when I open the file, it's back to its default format of dd/MM/yyyy.

The reason I want to import in yyyy/MM/dd format is to be able to use the pre defined date functions in YF instead of doing a Date Convertion while doing the CSV File preparation in YF.

Please Advise.



Replies (1)


Hi Gokul,

Thanks for reaching out to support with your question.

This sounds like a data prep issue, which is usually outside the scope of Yellowfin support, but I might be able to assist here, could you provide a bit more info on the CSV in question?

Perhaps this formatting discrepancy is some function of the CSV software or the program that is supplying the CSV data?

Is this Excel, for example?

If so there may be some "tricks" you could do like doing a separate calculation in a second column, like described here -


Also here, one interesting possibility mentioned at the bottom would be to attempt changing the locale to Australia-


Does this help give you something to go off of?




HelloHi Eric,

Thanks for the information.

I was able to fix the issue.

Because the file is CSV, the date format would always be in system time. I'm from USA and my system time format is in MM-dd-yyyy format. And because of this reason, my csv dates were always show in MM-dd-yyyy format when I reopen the file even though I try to change the format and save the file in yyyy/MM/dd.

So I changed my system date format to yyyy/MM/DD and then csv saves in the same format and was able to import into YF and use the pre defined date functions.




Thanks for the reply, Gokul, glad you were able to get this issue resolved.

I will go ahead and mark this question as Answered, have a good day!



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