Contact Us At email address

Lex Clay shared this question 2 years ago

Hi Fishies,

In the Welcome To email that get's sent out when you create a user account, is there a way to change the email address that's displayed in the last paragraph:

We know you will love using Yellowfin, but if you run into any issues or have a question, comment or suggestion you can contact us at <this is the bit I want to change>.

Ideally, this value would be the same as the value in the support email address field in the email settings, but it appears to be the Email Notification Address value. So where you have something like noreply@ as the sender that's what appears in the contact us at bit...which isn't great.



Replies (5)


Hi Lex,

Thanks for reaching out. This email template is hard coded into the application so there's no easy way to adjust this value. I can make a dev request to have a "welcome email address" parameter included in the configuration options, does this sound like a good solution?

That said, I was able to find a post where a user "found" this in the backend, without much detail unfortunately. You might have luck finding it and making changes with the help of this link, but that would be out-of-scope for us in support.




Hi Eric,

I think I have an idea where that may be located. Rather than a welcome email address, just an option to select the support address as the welcome email address would suffice, if that’s easier to implement.




Hi Lex,

Thanks for the reply here.

Stepping back a few feet, maybe there's some way you could "work around" this via something like using an email alias such as "yellowfin" in place of the undesirable "no-reply"?

Just the same, I've gone ahead and created a developer task to look into putting this option into a future version of the application. I've attached this ticket to the task and added your organization as an affected client for tracking purposes. Updates to the task will be provided here as they are available. I'll mark this as Idea Logged for now; feel welcome to reply here with any related inquiries.




Yeah we looked at that. The thing is we want the email saying here’s your account to come from noreply so an alias won’t work. 

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From: Yellowfin Support <>

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022 8:15:02 PM

To: Lex Clay <>

Subject: New Comment in "Contact Us At email address"


Actually, this is no longer an issue for us now. The REST call to create a user doesn't actually send the email, so we can send our own welcome via our node mailer service when the API call completes.


Hi Lex,

Thanks for the update, glad to hear you were able to find a way to make this work as desired. I'll go ahead and mark this question as Answered.



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