Canvas Screen Resolution

Drew Goddin shared this question 6 years ago

My client would like to have custom text beside several KPIs. The only way I can see to do this is by using the Canvas but when it displays on different computer screens it doesn't scale properly. It either cuts off or if I adjust based on pixels I end up with a lot of white space depending on the screen resolution. When is the Canvas going to be dynamically updated like the rest of Yellowfin or other BI vendor tools? Is there a workaround to this problem?

Replies (1)


Hello Drew,

The canvas is being re-worked for a new release later on in the year, we are also hoping to include a canvas dashboard AND dynamic resizing!

Until then, we recommend developing for the "lowest common denominator" with regards to screen size - usually 900-1000 pixels wide will work for most users.

I hope this helps,

Best regards,


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