Cannot find database table for folders

Mike Ryan shared this question 5 years ago

Hi there,

We have a customer who is trying to delete folders but is unable to due to data existing within them. The data within the folders is private and cannot be viewed.

We thought we could get around this easily by deleting the folders directly in the yellowfin database but have been unable to find what table this sits within.

Can you please help assist on how to remove these easily?



Replies (7)


Hi Amber,

Thanks for reaching us.

When running any queries directly against the Yellowfin Configuration Database it's possible to cause irrevocable data loss. This process isn't directly supported nor recommended unless otherwise advised to do so. Before running any queries against your Yellowfin Configuration Database, please make sure you have full, up-to-date backups of both your Yellowfin Configuration Database and your Yellowfin Installation folder. If something goes wrong you can revert back to your current state. The first step is identifying the folder in the Config DB. You can view all folders with the following query:

SELECT ContentTypeCode, ContentCode FROM ContentManagement;

Use this to identify the folder(s) you wish to delete. We'll keep the value of ContentCode for the next query.

The ReportHeader table contains a record for each existing report. The following query will allow you to identify any remaining active reports inside a content folder:

SELECT ReportId, ReportName FROM ReportHeader WHERE SubCategoryCode IN ($) AND ReportStatusCode != 'DELETED';

where $ represents the list of ContentCode values from above. This will give you a list of the remaining active reports in the folder you wish to delete.

From here, you can use the list of ReportId's to set them to DELETED. The better solution is to set their folder from here, to prevent from deleting someone's work. This can be done by setting the ReportHeader.CategoryCode to equal the value of ContentManagement.ContentTypecode and the value of ReportHeader.SubCategoryCode to equal the value of ContentManagement.ContentCode, using a ReportID as the WHERE clause.

Please note the latter queries should ONLY be used if a typical means via the UI cannot be accomplished.

See how you go with it and let me know if you have any questions.




H Amber,

Hope you are doing well.

Can please let me know if you have any questions?

Kind Regards,



Hi Mahesh,

Just found out there is a bug with chrome (using IE to respond now), hence why I was unable to respond to you.

Unfortunately this doesn't help me as I am unable to find the folders within the ContentManagement table. I am looking at the IpOrg 22151 and these folder names do not exist anywhere. I've been advised that supposedly in the Configuration table we can find the original folder names to then find the ID but have not had any luck navigating around this table.

I notice there are 5 folders within the ContentManagement table that have the 'VersionHistoryRequired' field ticked. Could this be related? Can you please tell me where I can find the IDs/codes for these folders so that I can delete reports as necessary. Better yet if you could find these for me, that would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Hi Amber,

Thanks for your reply.

We will not find the folder names in the Configuration Table.

Please verify that you are looking at the right Configuration Database.

I will not be able to find the folders as I don't have access to your Yellowfin configuration database.

If you are able to send me a copy of your Yellowfin database then I can try it for you. Upload it to our FTP site.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,



Hi Amber,

Hope you are doing well.

I am doing a followup to see how did you go with the issue.

Let me know if you have any questions.





Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hi Amber,

Just letting you know we're closing this down due to inactivity.

However if you ever wanted to pick this up at a later date, or if there was anything else you were after, please let us know.



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