Can we add hidden reports to a dashboard?

Bharath Kumar shared this question 4 years ago


I created a report and save with 'Hidden from Browse page'(see image).

After one has created a hidden report, the report is still accessible for using in dashboards. For this scenario we have identified two problems:

1. The toggle button for displaying hidden reports in the dashboard has the label "shared" instead of "hidden". Is there any reason for this label, as this leads to confusion and this is a defect from our perspective

2. After we found out that we could find the hidden report by using the shared option, we added the hidden report to the dashboard, but when saving the dashboard, the report is removed from the dashboard.

So we are not able to use hidden reports in dashboards. Is it possible to use hidden reports in dashboard?

YF version- 8.0.4

Replies (7)


Hi Barath,

Thanks for reaching out with this.

In my attempt to replicate with 8.0.4 20200320 I was unable to.

I created a report named 'hidden report'


I toggled off the browse page setting:


However I was unable to pull this hidden report up within the search to add it to the dashboard. This would indicate to me that it is not possible to pull hidden reports into dashboards,

Are you performing other steps to achieve this?

Please let me know.




Hi Jared,

Create a simple report as usual and when you save it, under Report Settings>unselect the Browse page setting so that report is hidden from browse page. Now try to add this report in dashboard tab following my steps:

1. The toggle button for displaying hidden reports in the dashboard has the label "shared" instead of "hidden". Is there any reason for this label, as this leads to confusion and this is a defect from our perspective

2. After we found out that we could find the hidden report by using the shared option, we added the hidden report to the dashboard, but when saving the dashboard, the report is removed from the dashboard.




Hi Bharath,

Thanks for reaching out. I've submitted a Defect for this. More details can be found in the ticket Abhijeet submitted. I've gone ahead and added you to that ticket so you'll receive updates in it and will close this one out.




Thanks Mike,

Another question related to this issue is why the label named as 'Shared' in Advanced search? what is it suppose to display when I enable it and search?




Hi Bharath,

I touched upon this in my response to Abhijeet, but for a little extra context, I wrote the following:

"It seems these settings appears to not be aligned properly and based on this, it's difficult to tell whether Hidden reports should be allowed on Dashboards. If they are, then the report should remain when saved and the 'Shared' option should probably be re-titled to 'Hidden'. If they're not intended to be added to Dashboard, then the 'Shared' option should probably be removed so the report can't be searched at all."

I also made note that your desired functionality would be to be able to add Hidden reports to the Dashboard.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.




Thanks a lot Mike


Hi Bharath,

You're welcome!

Please follow the previously linked tickets for any updates.



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