Calculated Field not Processing

John Richardson shared this question 7 years ago

I cannot get any Calculated Field to run in this particular report. Calculated Fields run OK on all other reports but not from this one.

There are 22 Calculated Fields in this report and they have been working fine all day today. I have logged on/off and come in/out of Yfin, but this did not work.

Can you guide me please.

Thank you. John

Replies (8)


Hi John,

What is the error in the Yellowfin.log file after this error is thrown in the UI?

This can be found in yourYellowfinInstallFolder/appserver/logs





I attach the file our IT chap extracted this morning. 

I opened Yellowfin this morning and simply tried to ‘Validate’ a couple of Calculated Fields.

The same error comes up.

Whilst I don’t understand the error log I can see two errors repeating – Null Pointer Exception and Source Record Not Found.

I am aware that our supplier was working in the database last week.  I think they were changing the budget fields as they did not work, and coincidentally the budget fields are in the report I am looking at.  This may of course be a red hearing for you.

Hope you can help



From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 05 January 2018 22:33

To: John Richardson <>

Subject: New Comment in "Calculated Field not Processing"



I just found this.  The calculated field had budget fields in it last week but now shows “Null” as the fields.

I have emailed our supplier and asked how come they can change fields or Views or Tables without identifying the reports that would be affected!

Yellowfin does this very well, but I suspect they are going direct to the Dbase to make changes.

I await their reply.




From: John Richardson

Sent: 08 January 2018 08:45

To: 'Yellowfin Support' <>

Subject: RE: New Comment in "Calculated Field not Processing"


I attach the file our IT chap extracted this morning. 

I opened Yellowfin this morning and simply tried to ‘Validate’ a couple of Calculated Fields.

The same error comes up.

Whilst I don’t understand the error log I can see two errors repeating – Null Pointer Exception and Source Record Not Found.

I am aware that our supplier was working in the database last week.  I think they were changing the budget fields as they did not work, and coincidentally the budget fields are in the report I am looking at.  This may of course be a red hearing for you.

Hope you can help



From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 05 January 2018 22:33

To: John Richardson <>

Subject: New Comment in "Calculated Field not Processing"


Hi John,

What you describe does seem to match well with the error you are noticing, and generally it is a good idea to have some synchronicity between the database level changes and YF changes :)

Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do in the meantime.





The supplier says they were not in the system making any changes to the budget area!

I noticed that in two Calculated Fields my original formula had been changed.  The field in the formula now shows as ‘Null’ (in blue and as though Null is a legit field).

Once I deleted these two Calculated Fields completely and basically set them up again, with exactly what was there before, then everything started working again.

My worry is that something changed my original Field to ‘Null’ without warning etc.

Can you tell from the error log what it might be?


From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 08 January 2018 15:45

To: John Richardson <>

Subject: New Comment in "Calculated Field not Processing"


Hi John,

My guess here is that the source record not found is referring to a reportfieldtemplate record. When Yellowfin creates a view, all of the column definitions will be stored in the configuration database's reportfieldtemplate table.

If the column definition is not found it will return a null record (thus the "Null" field name, and "Null" pointer). Can you take a look at the view and make sure everything is in order?

I cannot imagine how this would happen without some changes to the underlying data source, but fixing this should simply be a matter of recreating the calculated field to work with the new column names. If you cannot do this, then we will need to do some DB level investigation.




Ok thanks Nathan

I checked the View and it looked the same as last week as far as I remember (there is only six fields in it). 

I suspect the Dbase was indeed changed or at least temporarily changed, otherwise this could not have happened.

I have re-created the Calculated Fields as suggested and all is working now, thank you.

Shame I cant pinpoint what is to blame but at least I am working again.

Thanks for your help and I confirm that this case can now be closed.



From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 08 January 2018 16:19

To: John Richardson <>

Subject: New Comment in "Calculated Field not Processing"


Hi John,

Glad to hear its working again, if this does become a more consistent problem let me know and we can dig in a bit deeper.

Closing this for now (will be automatically re-opened if you respond).



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