Cached Report message

Yellowfin FAQ shared this question 4 years ago

We have a report which shows old data. In the top right of the report itself I see "Cached Report" as below:


What is this? How do I change or remove the cache period?

Replies (1)


This message shows that the results of your report have been cached in Yellowfin's in-memory database for a set period of time. This can improve the performance of a report, especially when it is returning large amounts of data which does not change for a period of time (eg 24hrs). However, if your requirements change and you wish to either modify the cache period or remove it entirely, please Edit/Clone the underlying View then proceed to the Prepare tab. From here, click on the View Options icon (the first icon after the Publish button), and look under Performance and set the Default Cache Period as required (setting this to 0 will disable the caching).


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