"Broadcast" or "Share" doesn't work for all tabbed co-display reports except the first report

Sadi shared this question 8 years ago

"Broadcast" or "Share" only sends e-mails with the first (parent) report, rest of the tabbed co-display reports do not even have the "Broadcast" option available.

We have a specific requirement to link multiple (20+) reports and export them into one single PDF. To achieve this, we used tabbed co-display but now we also need to schedule/broadcast all these reports so the e-mail contains only one PDF attachment.

Does Yellowfin allow broadcasting tabbed co-display reports?

Thanks for prompt reply.

Replies (8)


Related issue: can YF allow broadcasting (not share) a dashboard tab contains multiple reports?


Hi Sadi,

There have been several issues with this in the past, but I was successfully able to broadcast reports containing multiple co-display reports to PDF in the latest build of 7.2 (20161205). What build are you using?

Note that the broadcast settings are only visible after the report has been saved

I have broadcasted an example to you.



Hi Nathan,

Just to confirm, the broadcast you sent is a "Tabbed Co-Display" report, right? Please see attached an example of my report. Also, "Broadcast" option is only available in the parent report and rest of tabbed co-display only have "Share". Is this an expected behaviour?

Can you also confirm, if a dashboard tab can be broadcasted or not? I can only see "share" on a dashboard. Is this also expected by design?

Please see below our system info:

Application Version:7.2Build:20160907Java Version:1.8.0_72-internalOperating System:Linux 3.13.0-53-generic (amd64)




Hi Sadi,

I am sorry, I must have skipped over the "tabbed" portion of your question. It is not possible to export secondary tabs of a tabbed co-display (this is expected behavior)

However I am wondering why this is necessary? The tabbed functionality of Yellowfin is intended to aid report viewing within the program. PDF's by nature will flatten the report, taking away any functionality such as tabs, drills, and brushing.

What result do you expect from this export? Depending on what your requirements are, it should be possible to use regular co-display to achieve your goals.

Also, it is not currently possible to broadcast a dashboard. I can see how this would be useful, and there is currently an enhancement ticket open to address this, but I do not have high hopes that this will be implemented in the near future.




Hi Nathan,

Similar to the feature "Export Tabbed Co-Displays" (this is a setting available in YF when exporting to PDF), we would like to broadcast all the reports being tabbed co-displayed at once.

Regular co-display will only allow you a single report as a top or bottom unless I missed something. We have 10+ reports that needs to be exported into one PDF hence the regular co-display will not meet the requirement.

"Export Tabbed Co-Displays" provides the alternate solution but now we should be able to broadcast the same way but can't unfortunately. Same limitations in Dashboard. I can export into one PDF from a dashboard tab but cannot broadcast them all at once.

Hope this explains our pain point.




Hi Sadi,

Thank you for the clarification. In the broadcast that I sent you, I had 4 top co-display reports and 1 bottom. Are you able to drag more than one report in to the related reports>co-display field?




Hello Nathan,

I am facing same issue. I am using 7.3 build version 20171012.

Multiple reports are displayed as tabbed co-display, and we need to broadcast all the reports into PDF format.

Currently, only manual export to PDF shows all tabbed co-display reports.

Could you please reproduce this and let me know if this is a defect?




Hi Abhay,

I do see a possible related Defect regarding this issue. It would be helpful if you would kindly submit a private ticket so that we can get all the details in full.



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