Analytic Setup; Can not see options to alter settings within a newly created dashboard

Mark McGuire shared this question 8 years ago

I have created a dashboard and added a report, yet I can't see the Analytic Setup options.

I am using Google Chrome, and it only appears that this is not working for this specific web browser.

Replies (1)


This is a web browser related issue something of which does not necessarily relate to Yellowfin, as we are technically not a web browser based product, we are in fact an App, that is just accessed from a web browser.

Although saying that we can work around this by simply altering the Zoom Percentage Levels within the Google Chrome settings.

From investigating this further we can see that you need to have this set to 100% as other percentages do not correct this issue to how you would expect.

Please see below images showing the Zoom Percentage Levels:

90% - Not working


100% - Working


Going forward I can confirm that this has been brought up with our Dev Team, and we are looking into this.

Further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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