Alerts when broadcast fail

Sofia Rabin shared this question 3 years ago


Is there any way to send an alert to the user when his broadcast fail?



Best Answer

Hi Sofia,

I hope all is well,

This IS possible to a degree, although not to the user who set this up who does not have the correct access... When you set up a broadcast schedule, there is an option to turn on Failure Notification's, which is on by default when you set this up.

Having done this, there's a box next to that to place which user group you'd like to receive the failure notification, which you'd likely set as your Admin group:


If an e-mail broadcast failed to send at this point, any user in the Administrators group above, would receive a failure notification so they'd be prompted to head into the Schedule Management section, look into why it failed, and re-send the broadcast to the user (depending on the reason for error, of course!).

Ultimately, I'd say the failure notification is strictly for admin purposes. Hopefully this clears things up a bit. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if I appeared to have missed something, happy to assist where I can.



Replies (4)


Hi Sofia,

I hope all is well,

This IS possible to a degree, although not to the user who set this up who does not have the correct access... When you set up a broadcast schedule, there is an option to turn on Failure Notification's, which is on by default when you set this up.

Having done this, there's a box next to that to place which user group you'd like to receive the failure notification, which you'd likely set as your Admin group:


If an e-mail broadcast failed to send at this point, any user in the Administrators group above, would receive a failure notification so they'd be prompted to head into the Schedule Management section, look into why it failed, and re-send the broadcast to the user (depending on the reason for error, of course!).

Ultimately, I'd say the failure notification is strictly for admin purposes. Hopefully this clears things up a bit. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if I appeared to have missed something, happy to assist where I can.




Hi Sofia,

I hope all is well,

I just want to touch base to question whether or not my last set of comments was enough to help with this question raised. If you can let me know that would be great.




Hi Sofia,

Further to my last set of responses I just want to check in to see if the information provided was enough to answer your question. If you could let me know that would be great.




Hi Sofia,

Due to age and inactivity; 10 days, i'm going to go ahead and mark this as Answered. If you wish to re-open, please do not hesitate to do so. I would be more than happy to assist where I can.

Have a great weekend.



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