Aggregate a date column

Mat Chabros shared this question 7 years ago

Hello Yellowfin Community team!

Yet again, I encountered a problem that I cannot go around (apologies if it is a simple problem and easily solvable).


Please see the screenshot I've attached. How can I aggregate the values so I do not see them separated just as in that screenshot? I want to see a sum for every month, I will also want to see in week numbers as well.

Best Answer

Hi Mat,

It looks like you are only formatting the looks of the date column to be months, and that the underlying field is still a date field which will have many values that cannot be aggregated. I would recommend using view level "date functions":

Since this is a dimension seperate from the underlying dates, you will be able to aggregate against it.

Let me know if this makes sense.



Replies (1)


Hi Mat,

It looks like you are only formatting the looks of the date column to be months, and that the underlying field is still a date field which will have many values that cannot be aggregated. I would recommend using view level "date functions":

Since this is a dimension seperate from the underlying dates, you will be able to aggregate against it.

Let me know if this makes sense.



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