Accessing YF from internet

Lawrence Brown shared this question 8 years ago


I have an instance of yellowfin installed on a server and is working when I RDP onto the server and use http://localhost.

When I try to access the machine from the internet http://192192.192.192 I can see an ISS screen fine but won't connect to yellowfin. It is a development server so have connections available from all ports available.


I'm not sure whether it is an ISS, Tomcat or yellowfin setting that I need to change.

In simple terms, the ISS doesn't seem to point to http://localhost:8080 to access yellowfin.

Any help much appreciated as I'm on a short deadline with this.

Running a brand new installation of YF 7.3 with no significant changes made.


Replies (5)


Hello Lawrence,

Thanks for reaching out with your question. The first thing I note is the IP you're trying to access Yellowfin from across the internet. I feel like that may be your private IP, local to the network your server resides. You'll want to make sure you have your public IP for the network your server is on. The easiest way to get this would be to go to a page such as from the server you're trying to access. This will show you the public IP address that you'll need to access your server from outside of its local network.

Yellowfin, by default, listens on port 8080, unless you've changed this during installation. If you're unsure which port Yellowfin is listening on, you can find it listed in the server.xml file of Yellowfin located at <YourYellowfinInstallation>/appserver/conf/server.xml. Find the Connector port="xxxx" section. This will be your Yellowfin port.

In order to access YF from the internet open http://<PublicIP>:<port>; in your browser. It is important to note that you will have to forward the Yellowfin port from your router or firewall to the private IP address of the Yellowfin server. If you're unsure how to forward the port you may have to contact your Network Administrator or find documentation specific to your router or firewall online.

Does this information help you access your YF instance across the internet? Please let me know your results.




Hi Ryan,

We changed nothing during the installation for ports, I believe the issue may be the forwarding from the yellowfin port to the internal addess of the yellowfin server. I have both pieces of information but am unsure how to set it up.

Are there any document to help me do this?




Hi Lawrence,

The documentation to forward the Yellowfin port to the internal IP is going to be dependent and specific to the manufacturer of the router / firewall of the network that the Yellowfin server resides in. I recommend having a search on the manufacturer's site for specified port forwarding information.




Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your help, I have this working now.


Hi Lawrence,

I'm glad to hear you were able to get this working.



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