Sorting Table in a Dashboard (not a repeat question)

jim fuller shared this question 6 years ago

I know about dashboards as shared objects thus sort is unavailable by reading the issue from this link.

However, in Dashboard edit mode, a sort control becomes available on table columns. However, it doesn't appear to save the sort direction after saving the dashboard.

Is this by design? Or is there indeed a way to save the sort on table in a dashboard?

Replies (6)


Hi Jim,

I hope all is well,

I have replicated this issue that you have raised and can confirm that we have a ticket for this that currently sits in our Dev queue. We can track this with the ID of YFN-6981. I have added notes to this to further push for this option...

Further to this I do believe you have a valid point with regards to WHY the option becomes available on table columns within a dashboard. I have questioned this with our dev team and requested that this be removed as this is very misleading.


Unfortunately our comments still stand with what was discussed in this ticket.

"The reason why we do not currently have this functionality is due to the fundamentals of dashboard functionality.

As it stands right now, each dashboard is a shared object, but accessed by multiple users, so if 1 user changes the sorting on a column, all users who have this dashboard would also see the sort change.

This means you could have users who keep sorting a column, only to have it revert back to something else, which could cause frustration."


  • As mentioned above, we currently have a request for this to be made available at dashboard level - we can track with the JIRA ID (above).
  • I have also suggested that this option be removed at dashboard level as this is misleading to users thinking they have this option when in-fact we don't.
  • Our only option with this, would be to alter the sort column through the report itself (report level).

I hope this helps Jim. Let me know your views on this. I look forward to your reply.




Removal of the sort controls sounds good to me. Thanks for the feedback.


Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply. Please feel free to bug me anytime for news/updates.




Hi Jim,

I hope all is well,

I have since had feedback from our dev team of which they have questioned the following:

"Do clients just want to allow their end users to be able to sort the tables on dashboards when they are viewing them?"


"Do clients want to be able to able to set up a default sort order for a table at the dashboard level, that is different from the report level?"

Let me know your feedback on this Jim. I look forward to your response.




"Do clients just want to allow their end users to be able to sort the tables on dashboards when they are viewing them?"

Answer: Yes.

I know this is old, but I wanted to see if this is possible or will be possible (I am using v.9.1).

I am also responding to enhancement request:


Hi Zack,

I hope all is well,

Looking at this further I can see we have made some huge improvements with this and we are looking to have this within our next release of 9 (9.2) which I believe will be late next month.

With addition to this we have some comments to share for similar areas within YF:

Sort columns for Tables on Dashboard in working order. This has also been tested on our Report Canvas.



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