Bar chart bars different sizes

Livia shared this question 2 months ago

Hello YF,

I have a bar chart that has bars that are different sizes and I have no idea why. I haven't changed anything in terms of size of the bars, and I can't see where to even do this. Is it possible to make sure that the bars are all the same size? I can see the % where you define the gap, but mine is that the bars are different sizes

Note, it is a vertical bar chart, rather than a horizontal column chart

Thank you,


Replies (2)


Hi Livia,

I hope you're doing well.

Just to check what is going on here, can you please send a screenshot of what this looks like on your end? In addition, all bar charts are horizontal, whereas vertical charts are called column charts. What kind of data are you trying to represent on the bar? E.g. are you using timeseries data like dates?

This will help me provide the best answer for you.

Kind regards,



Hi Livia,

Just to let you know, if the data is private let me know and I can convert this to a private ticket before you share your screenshot.

Kind regards,



Hey Chris,

I am not able to share any screenshots at all. But I have done a really crude drawing for you.

The figure has custom colours. The bars for Cat 1 and Cat 3 have the same conditional formatting in terms of colours (which is described on the figure as Variable 1), and the same for Cat 2 and 4 (described as Variable 2). You can also see what I am getting at, whereby two Cat 1/3 have thin bars, and Cat 2/4 have larger width bars.



Hi Livia,

Please could you send a screenshot of your chart builder's components pane. If needed, you can blur or block out the names of the fields:


I need to see how you've set up your chart. Could you also screenshot your chart axis style screen, particularly for the axis that contains your categories.


Finally, have you set up colours via the chart series screen? There is a way to set borders here and I'm just wondering if you've set a border in the same colour as the series which could be thick enough to appear different to the other series.


Kind regards,



Hey Chris,

I actually think I have worked out what has happened. Thank you so much for your help. It is very difficult trying to work out these things without being able to share our actual figures etc.

Thank you


Hi Livia,

Thanks for letting me know. That's no worries, we do our best and try to work around the limitations!

If you need help with anything else, don't hesitate to raise another ticket.

Kind regards,


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