Content Tags not getting exported if not referenced to any YF objects

Dilip Sahoo shared this question 7 months ago

Content Tags does not get exported if not referenced to any YF Objects (i.e. View, Reports, Dashboards, etc.).

If I map it to any YF object(s) only then it get exported.

Is there a way we can export even if its not mapped to any of the YF Objects (i.e. View, Reports, Dashboards, etc.).

Replies (2)


Hi Dilip,

My name is Maria.

I'm the CSM of Transurban Ltd. Your name and email address are not in our system as authorized contact and unable to proceed with your request.

You may contact the Transurban Ltd, and request to provide you authorization to proceed with your request.

If you have questions, please contact me directly at

This ticket will be closed and shall be re-opened after the verification.

Thank you,



Hello Dilip,

We will temporarily close this ticket as Maria has informed you that you can reopen it once the verification process is finished.

Thanks & Regards,


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