Export a Report from the Drill-Through

Smilton shared this question 10 months ago

I have Report A and Report B. In my Dashboard it is displayed Report A and it has Drill-Through option to access Report B within a new window overlaying the Dashboard.

Is it possible to export Report B from this new window? I would like to export the data that is currently displayed.

Replies (14)


Hello Smilton

Thank you for submitting this request to the Yellowfin Technical Support Team. My name is Chegudi Priya and I will be supporting you with this issue.

In order to assist you please provide us with the following information:


Chegudi Priya
Yellowfin Technical Support


Hello Smilton,

It is possible to export the drill through a report. I have attached a recording of my replication for your better understanding. I hope this helps please let us know if you have any further queries/concerns we are happy to help.


Hey Priya, thanks for the answer. I forgot to say that I want that export option from the embedded dashboard. That's where I don't know how to do it.


Hello Smilton,

Thank you for your patience we have the option to export the embedded dashboard report please enable the Show toolbar in Dashboard and Show toolbar, Show export in Report.

Please review this link for more information: https://wiki.yellowfinbi.com/display/yfcurrent/Advanced+API#AdvancedAPI-showToolbar.1

I hope this helps please let us know if you have any further queries/concerns we are happy to help.

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya
Yellowfin Technical Support


Hey Priya,

I'm not sure if you understand the situation. We have our dashboard embedded in our app. In the dashboard we have many reports, that when Hover you can see the Menu and select de export option. The issue is a report that only appears when Drill-Through from another. That report we cannot see any Menu for export as you can see in the screenshot.
I think the "Show toolbar in Dashboard" is not what we need.

The "Show toolbar, Show export" in Report might work, but can we enabled that to a report that is not on the UI from the beggining (as it is only accesible when Drill-Through)?




Also in the embedding we are only using the loadDashboard function. We are not using any loadReport function


Hello Smilton,

I understand the situation but we have a couple of things that need to be checked on a live basis, I am happy to jump on a call to discuss. I am usually available between 5:30 am - 12:30 pm IST, Please let me know your available time so that can check this in a screen share session!

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya
Yellowfin Technical Support


Hey Priya, ok, we can jump on a call. I'm available between 2pm to 8pm CEST.


Hello Smilton,

I would like to kindly inform you that I'm available on next week at 2pm CEST Please let us know your availability so that i will rollout a meeting invite for the same.

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya
Yellowfin Technical Support


As talked in the meeting this is the business case:
Our client's that are using our app (where the dashboard is embedded) needs to export the data into excels in order to check with certain employees how they are performing at work. This is like an auditoring.

The data is the calls employees made for sales purposes by date. They need to get to a particular number of calls per day. So when the manager see something strange, they click on that Date & Employee to see the different calls made (more granular, not aggregated). From there, they would like to export those calls (for that particular day and employee) in order to check with the employee if the data is correct or not.


Hello Smilton,

Thank you for providing these details, I wanted to inform you that we have an enhancement request (link) already submitted to our development team based on the same issue we will go ahead and add your details in there. Our development team will be reviewing the request to assess its feasibility and potential implementation.

You can keep track of the updates from the link I provided above. To avoid redundancy and streamline our support efforts, I would like to request the closure of this ticket. Please let me know if you need any further information or assistance regarding this matter.

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya


Hello Smilton

I wanted to follow up with you regarding the Idea ticket I provided in my last email. To avoid redundancy and streamline our support efforts, I would like to request the closure of this ticket. Please let me know if you need any further information or assistance regarding this matter.

Thank you,

Chegudi Priya

Yellowfin Technical Support


Hello Smilton

I wanted to follow up with you regarding the enhancement link I provided in a previous email. You can keep track of the updates from the link .

If you are unavailable right now, you can always contact us again at a later time by opening a new ticket I will close this case by the end of business tomorrow if I do not receive a reply.

Please let us know if you need additional support on this issue.

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya
Yellowfin Technical Support


Hello Smilton

This email is to notify you that we believe you will track the updates from the Idea ticket. Because of age and inactivity, I am going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Completed for now. However, if you are unavailable right now, you can always contact us again at a later time by opening a new ticket.

Thanks & Regards,

Chegudi Priya

Yellowfin Technical Support

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