What canvas size to use for PDF reports?

Anna Banana shared this question 8 months ago


My team is creating reports in Yellowfin to be exported to A4 PDF. We have been having some issues when choosing the canvas size when creating reports using the design canvas. It has been difficult to figure out what the correct canvas size is to use for this to ensure our reports don't get cut off, or spill over onto the following pages when exported. This also applies when using the codisplay function, we need to know the exact length all of our codisplayed canvases must add up to to fit onto an A4 PDF to export. Are you able to tell me what height and width to use in pixels to achieve this?



Replies (7)


Hello Anna,

Thank you for reaching out to Yellowfin Support. My name is Ankit, and I'll be assisting you with the Query. I will take a look at it with the details shared and get back to you with the findings shortly. Please let us know if you have any more questions; we will be happy to help.


Ankit Asati

Yellowfin Support Team.


Hello Anna,

Greetings of the day!

We might want to have a remote session with you to understand the requirement in more details. It would be great if you could please confirm your availability for this week so that I can roll out a meeting invitation. Just to let you know that I am available Monday to Friday from 06:00 IST to 14:00 IST.


Ankit Asati

Yellowfin Support Team.


Hi Ankit,

Due to data privacy reasons I am unable to have a remote session and I will need to explain over this platform. If there are additional questions about what I require I am happy to answer them.




Hello Anna,

Thanks for your patience and apologies for the delay in response.

The reports cut off or spill over onto the following pages when exported, heavily depend on the structure of the report and the data fetched in the report. Thus, it is hard to define and fix the exact canvas size in pixels to get it exported perfectly to A4 size pdf. Canvas sizing can still be configured as per the requirement using the canvas properties while creating a dashboard.

Canvas - Yellowfin Guide 9 - Global Site (yellowfinbi.com)

However, we can configure the default PDF export settings where we can set the pdf page size to A4 and avoid any spillover of data by enabling the "Shrink to fit the page" option. Below documentation link provides the details on the configuration settings.

Export Defaults - Yellowfin Guide 9 - Global Site (yellowfinbi.com)

In addition to that, if you can please share the YFX file of a sample report with the co-displays, charts and tables created using the default Yellowfin database SKI team, so that we can replicate and assist you with the exact requirement. Using Yellowfin SKI team database there won't be any data issues as it's a test lab environment that you can create the sample report and share it with us.


Ankit Asati


Hi Anna,

Greetings for the Day!
We would like to check, with you if you had the opportunity to read our last response. Request, you to review and let us know if you have any questions or if further assistance is required.


Ankit Asati


Dear Anna,

Greetings for the Day.

This is a follow up reminder that 2 days have passed without any activity in this ticket. When there's no activity, it usually means either that you have identified the solution for the reported issue or that the matter is no longer relevant and after 5 days (2 days from now) without any activity, we assume that the ticket can be closed. If this is not the case, please do reply and let us know how we can be of further assistance, we would be happy to assist.

Ankit Asati


Dear Anna,

Greetings for the Day.

This email is to notify you that we believe that you have identified the solution for the reported issue or that this ticket can be resolved for now. Because of age and inactivity. I am going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Completed. However, if you ever wanted to revisit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let us know, we will be more than happy to do so.

Ankit Asati

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