Yellowfin upgrade issue from 9.2 to 9.8

Manikandan Appar shared this question 12 months ago

Hi Team,

Our customer tried to upgrade from 9.2 to 9.8 but they are unable to upgrade successfully.

When we verified it showed an issue in upgrading the schema (refer to the image), same we have validated it in the local environment and we are able to upgrade successfully.

Not sure what is missing on the customer side, I have verified all the logs it all looks good even though we are able to connect the database from the SQL management studio also tried SSL as well, can you please help us and provide your input?


Replies (4)


Hi Manikandan,

It seems like there is some error with decrypting the password as it attempts to connect to the source database. Could you please supply the info.jsp page (found via the URL http://youryellowfinURL:port/info.jsp) from the customer's instance? I suspect it is a problem with the Java version used and may need to suggest an alternative Java install.

Can I also ask if the attempt to upgrade was tried more than once?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply.

I have requested the info.jsp once I received I will upload the same. Also, we have tried multiple times to upgrade by changing the SSL=true and other options so yes we tried multiple times.



Please find the info.jsp file in the ticket.


Hi Mandikandan,

Thank you for the update and supplied file. Earlier versions of Yellowfin 9 did sometimes have compatibility issues with Java 14. I would suggest rolling back the installed Java version to Java 11 or 1.8.0_3xx and try the upgrade again.

You may need to modify the PATH environment variables to ensure that the upgrader uses the correct version of Java if you leave two versions installed. You can also make changes to the catalina.bat in the yellowfin/appserver/bin folder to specify the catalina_home variable.

After the upgrade you can then reinstall JDK 14.

Let me know how it goes.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

This is not a feasible solution for the user to upgrade/change the Java and again do the Yellowfin version upgrade because it will be a tedious process to follow hence we have requested the user to export their custom report and import the reports in the new Yellowfin9.8 version.

You can close this item.



Hi Manikandan,

Thanks for letting me know. I'll mark this one as complete. Have a pleasant rest of your week!

Kind regards,


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