How to reset the report formatting to default?

Stefan Hall shared this question 2 years ago

We have a YF 8.0.8 system and unfortunately have to manually transfer the reports to our new YF system. Unfortunately a lot of old formatting (table & charts) will be taken over.

Now it is very tiring to click on each dialog and field individually and update to the YF9 state values.

Is there a trick to remove individual adjustments so that the new default values take effect? If this only works at the DB level, that would be OK with me. I am familiar with databases.

;) Stefan

Replies (4)


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out to support with your issue.

Any particular formatting that is especially important or easy to see? Could you provide screenshots and a specific example with steps to illustrate?

1. Have this type of report in 8.0.8

2. Fresh install

3. Perform this type of "manual transfer" of content

4. Observe these formattings are changed - font, colors, etc.

If I were to try to make a type of programmatic content update here, I would examine DEBUG logs and identify the affecting value within the various update queries that take place when making individual updates in the GUI. I'd then work on a SQL script or an API call to identify and change the desired value(s). Maybe this would be a workable solution?

Another would be to make a copy of the V8 environment and upgrade that to v9, which should apply the new defaults to the content automatically. This would be the supported method as export/import compatibility between different Yellowfin versions cannot be guaranteed. Let me know if this sounds like a good way forward here.



Hi Eric,

the normal way was not possible for us. We migrate intentionally only single content

I want to make sure after importing the reports that all new standards take effect. I don't want to keep any old settings. No font, no colors, no spacing,....

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the reply. So it sounds like you'd like to see something like -

1. V9 YF importer recognizes V8 content

2. YF Shows popup or includes some type of option to assign "new defaults" to imported content

Does this sound accurate? If so I could make a request for this type of functionality to devs on your behalf.



HI Eric,

you are right, I would like to have much more possibilities not to import some elements (field groups etc.) when importing.

In this case, I overlooked the "reset" arrow at the top of the reports. It looks a bit like an update arrow and I never pressed it. It does exactly that, which might be a good option when importing, so as not to break your design when importing from different systems.

But it is not so important, I could solve my concrete question with the
reset button.
Thanks for your support

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Just wanted to check in to see whether you wanted to pursue the "reset on import" idea, or if you had what you needed here.




I have everything I need.

The implementation of ideas seems a bit too slow for me, I don't want to unnecessarily slow down other 5 year old very good ideas.

You can close the case.

Thanks for your support

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the update, I'll go ahead and close this ticket off at this time.


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