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Applying formula to xlsx export file

Resolved Stephanus A. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Yellowfin 7.3 Reference Codes not working

Defect Fixed Bradley D. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by David R.
2 votes

Option for last 7 days to not include current day

Completed Yoav C. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Mark M.
1 vote

7.3+ Upgrade Error - Urgent

Defect Fixed YangyangCai Installation & Upgrades Comments: 8 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote


Answered Venu G. Report Builder Comments: 10 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

Column width changing after adding to dashboard

Answered Leela k. Report Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
4 votes
1 vote

Changing login page

Answered Munish System Configuration Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
1 vote

How to navigate link on Sections tab

Answered Cuong P. Report Builder Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Guest
2 votes

Keep Getting Error 343. No Access to TMS:Task

Answered Akshay System Configuration Comments: 4 Reply 6 years ago by Akshay
1 vote

FTP Broadcast Missing in 7.3

Answered Will C. Broadcast & Report Export Comments: 8 Reply 6 years ago by Mahesh T.
1 vote

Line Graph problems

Completed Arthur J. Report Builder Comments: 3 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
2 votes

More Detailed Error Messages

Completed David G. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
2 votes

View Creation Screen Button Label

Completed Abhijeet T. View Builder Comments: 5 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
1 vote

Date filter default value problem

Defect Fixed Bogdan K. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
2 votes

Date Sorting in Filter

Defect Fixed Dylan E. Report Builder Comments: 2 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
1 vote

Unable to access the licence page in italian

Defect Fixed Daniele D. Administration Comments: 7 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
1 vote

Data source/Views with duplicate name should not be allowed

Idea Logged Manoj Data Sources Comments: 1 Reply 6 years ago by Ryan C.
1 vote
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