Yellowfin ElasticSearch driver

David Gallagher shared this question 6 years ago

Hi - the website mentions that Yellowfin will work with ElasticSearch. Can you tell me what driver we would use to make that happen?

Replies (4)


Hi David,

We do not have a go-to driver for this, and that list was constructed quite a while ago on the "Anything with a JDBC" motto. From a quick search it would seem that this is one of your only options, though I cannot speak to its effectiveness:

I am not personally familiar with any clients who use ElasticSearch, and it would not be considered an "officially supported" connection. Typically anything with a JDBC driver will be able to do at least basic queries, but will struggle on DB specific functions such as parsing month out of a date value. In this case, many of the advanced text search capabilities cannot be replicated with SQL queries and therefor, will also not be supported by a JDBC driver.

That said, we have recently been bouncing around the idea of a Solr ETL input step (for 7.4's data transformation) that would allow users to run custom queries against their rest API. I am not as familiar with ElasticSearch but from what I know they also have an API that could make this possible.

Is this something that would be of interest to you? (Not making any promises, just trying to gauge interest)




Hi Nathan – potentially yes, this would be of interest. Will the ‘SOLR step’ be able to handle authentication (at least basic) as well?



From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 5:27 PM

To: David Gallagher <>

Subject: New Comment in "Yellowfin ElasticSearch driver"


Hi Dave,

Okay thanks, again it is not currently on any roadmap, but yes, any connection to a source that allows/relies on authentication would need to include that functionality.

If you do end up going with the ElasticSearch JDBC driver, please let me know if you run into any problems!




Hi Dave,

It appears that since I answered this question, ElasticSearch has released their official JDBC driver. Would you be able to give this a shot and let us know if you run into any problems?


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