SELECT rv.ViewDescription as 'View Name', rh.ReportName as 'Report Name', rft.GroupCode as Folder, rft.ColumnName as 'Column Name', rh.ReportStatusCode as 'Report Status' FROM reportfieldtemplate rft join reportview rv on rft.ViewId = rv.ViewId join ( SELECT c.ReportId as report, c.ViewLevelCachedFilterGroupId, c.FieldTemplateId as field FROM reportformat a join reportformat b ON a.EntityId = b.EntityId AND a.FormatTypeCode = 'FILTERVALUES' AND a.FormatCode in ('CACHED', 'CACHED_ONDEMAND', 'QUERY', 'QUERY_ONDEMAND') AND b.FormatTypeCode = 'DISPLAYSTYLE' AND ( b.FormatCode = 'IMAGEANDTEXT' OR b.FormatCode = 'COLOURANDTEXT' ) join reportfilter c ON a.EntityId = c.FilterId where b.EntityId not IN ( SELECT EntityId FROM reportformat WHERE FormatTypeCode = 'LINKPARENTDATA' AND FormatCode = 'true' ) and c.ViewLevelCachedFilterGroupId = 0 ) base on rft.FieldTemplateId = base.field join reportheader rh on rh.ReportId = where rh.ReportStatusCode != 'DELETED' AND rh.RoleCode != 'SUBQUERY';