SELECT rv.ViewDescription as 'View Name', rhParent.ReportName as 'Report Name', rhChild.ReportName as SubQuery, rft.GroupCode as Folder, rft.ColumnName as 'Column Name', rhParent.ReportStatusCode as 'Parent Report Status' FROM reportfieldtemplate rft join reportview rv on rft.ViewId = rv.ViewId join ( SELECT c.ReportId as report, c.ViewLevelCachedFilterGroupId, c.FieldTemplateId as field FROM reportformat a join reportformat b ON a.EntityId = b.EntityId AND a.FormatTypeCode = 'FILTERVALUES' AND a.FormatCode in ('CACHED', 'CACHED_ONDEMAND', 'QUERY', 'QUERY_ONDEMAND') AND b.FormatTypeCode = 'DISPLAYSTYLE' AND ( b.FormatCode = 'IMAGEANDTEXT' OR b.FormatCode = 'COLOURANDTEXT' ) join reportfilter c ON a.EntityId = c.FilterId where b.EntityId not IN ( SELECT EntityId FROM reportformat WHERE FormatTypeCode = 'LINKPARENTDATA' AND FormatCode = 'true' ) and c.ViewLevelCachedFilterGroupId = 0 ) base on rft.FieldTemplateId = base.field join reportheader rhChild on rhChild.ReportId = join reportheader rhParent on rhParent.ReportId = rhChild.ParentReportId where rhChild.ReportStatusCode != 'DELETED' and rhParent.ReportStatusCode != 'DELETED' AND rhChild.RoleCode = 'SUBQUERY';